Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 1

Today was the first day of class. This morning I had conflict management. I am in the class with a few other international students. The class went on without any problems and it seems like it will be alright. After class, I went to the international office and picked up my proof of registration, then headed to get my student card. On the registration, it told me that I would have class right after the first one on Mondays. So, I went to the class reluctantly. I sat by a girl and made small talk, which I do not enjoy and usually try to avoid. She asked me where I was from and I asked her how old she was. After about 5 minutes of silence, she got up moved 2 seats down and sat. That was confusing for me. I don't think I smell and I couldn't have said anything offensive, since I really didn't say anything in the first place. Maybe because I was quiet she decided that I was not good enough to sit by. Who knows? I am laughing about it now. I think I will avoid the front of the room next time and just do the usual back of the room bit.

As for the rest of the day, I think I will go on a jog and possibly nap. Not necessarily in that order. Getting up and being on campus by 7 45 is exhausting.

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