Wednesday, August 22, 2012

and just a dash of stress

I haven't posted in a while so today I guess I will just ramble to keep myself up with blogging. I wrote my first test last week and got a B! I was surprised when I saw the score because I completely studied the wrong material, well not completely, but I didn't study the correct part of the chapter. Then on a low note, we had a test on Monday and I thought it was on Wednesday, so I missed it completely. I had to go talk to the professor and he is allowing me to take the "special test" that will happen in two weeks. I think it is odd to not have the test during the class period that you attend. They schedule the test for 6 pm in a different room. It is very confusing, especially when they send you 4 different emails about the change. It got to the point that I didn't know if Monday was the the original time for Wednesday. Ugh T.I.A.
Today, I got my first tutorial assignment back. It was just a short essay dealing with the approaches of ethics in journalism. I did well 47/50 with a remark of "excellent work!" I would say that I am pretty satisfied with that! Also today,  we had a test in conflict management that I have been studying all weekend for. It ended up being a choice between two questions and you just had to write your answer. I was the first one done. I always get nervous when I am first, did I miss something? is always the question running though my mind when that happens.
I will say that I am at a point of homesickness. I have been here 4...5? I think 4 weeks and I really do miss my family, friends, UNI, and just the States. This experience has shown me that I really should value what I do have, because some places just aren't like home. Everyone started classes and I wish I could see their faces on campus. Every day is better with getting over the homesick.
My daily work outs are definitely helping me cope, they just allow me to de-stress and calm down after a stressful day of "WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?!" and  "WHO DOES THINGS LIKE THIS?!". My southport family also keeps me sane, they are pretty much the stability to the whole situation.  I am fortunate to get to be living with such a good group of people. They have already exposed me to some things that I never even thought about. It really is nice being surrounded by people nothing like yourself. You learn a lot about yourself and your limits, which is probably a positive for me.
Another thing SA is teach me is patience, which I lack in most cases. It is very hard for me to just let go and let things happen. By the time I get back I will be so chill, it'll be ridiculous!

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